Organic Chemistry (CHE 300)

MTWTh 10:00-12:15 PM





Instructor: Dr. Noel Sturm, NSM D-323.


Office Hours: by appointment; open door policy.





Course Organization and Policies:


1. Prerequisites: General Chemistry (1 year)


2. Required Text: Organic Chemistry; Morrison & Boyd (6th Edition); Prentice-Hall ;

ISBN-13: 978-0136436690

ISBN-10: 0136436692


Required: Study Guide to Organic Chemistry (has answers to the assigned problems); Morrison & Boyd (6th Edition); Prentice-Hall ;

ISBN-13: 978-0136436775
ISBN-10: 0136436773



Required: Molecular Model Kit


3. Lecture Notes: The lecture notes are available on-line, arranged via lecture topic, at:  It is suggested that you bring a printed copy of the lecture notes printed in slide format six to a page with you to class to facilitate learning. Examination questions will be derived from lecture material, work sheets and homework, i.e. class attendance, on-line, is essential to do well in this course.


4. On-Line Sessions: We will meet on-line from 10:00 AM until 12 noon Monday through Thursday using Blackboard Collaborate Ultra. We will discuss lecture material, do quick thinks and answer questions. It is very important that you attend all of the on-line sessions in order to succeed in this course. You must have a working computer, reliable internet connectivity and browser is an important requirement, please use Firefox 2.0.x or higher.


Instructions for Blackboard Collaborate Ultra:


In Blackboard:


<Blackboard Collaborate Ultra

<Click-on the "Session"

<Click-on "Join Room"


5. Examinations: There will be three multiple choice examinations (see syllabus for specific dates) each worth 100 points. Absolutely NO make-up exams will be given. All examinations will be on-line through Bb Collaborate Ultra using the Respondus Lockdown Browser.


6. Final Exam: The final exam (100 pts), which will be multiple choice and comprehensive, is on Friday, June 25th 2021, 10:00-12:15 PM.


7. Homework / Work Sheets: Daily homework will be assigned. Given the array of unfamiliar material and the speed with which we cover the material doing the assigned homework problems is required to succeed in the course. You will find work sheets for each chapter as .doc links on the web site, some chapters have multiple work sheets. You must complete the work sheets to succeed in this course. Answers to the work sheets are posted on-line.


8. The Goal of this course is to understand the chemistry of aliphatic and aromatic systems.


9. Grading Criteria: Letter grades are based on the following point distribution. Grades are criterion-referenced not norm-referenced; each student has an equal opportunity meet the criteria charted below:

                        Three Exams @100 pts   =                        300 pts

                        Final Exam                        =                     100 pts

                        Homework                        =                      Required (not submitted)


Letter Grade


Letter Grade



91 – 100


89 - 90


87 – 88


81 - 86


79 – 80


77 - 78


71 – 76


69 - 70


67 – 68


60 - 66


10. Course Description: A detailed study of organic molecular structure, reaction mechanisms, stereochemistry, and synthesis with emphasis on aliphatic and aromatic systems.


11. Academic Integrity Statement: A university is a community of learners bonded together by the search for knowledge; the pursuit of personal, social, cultural, physical, and intellectual development; and the desire for the liberating effects of an advanced education.  California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH) has a culture--an academic culture--shared with other universities and colleges across the nation.  Integral to that culture is a set of values such as academic freedom, dedication to teaching and learning, diversity, civility toward others, and academic integrity.  Academic integrity is of central importance in the university community and involves committed allegiance to the values, the principles, and the code of behavior held to be central in that community.  Integrity concerns honesty and implies being truthful, fair, and free from lies, fraud and deceit.


12. Disabled Student Services: CSUDH adheres to the American with Disabilities Act with respect to providing reasonable accommodations for students with temporary or permanent disabilities. To receive accommodations, students with disabilities must register with Disabled Student Services. For more information, please contact their office in Welch Hall B250 at (310) 243-3660 or (310) 243-2028.


© Dr. Noel Sturm 2021

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