Work Sheet 1


Chemistry of Life


1.      List the three most common elements found in the human body.





2.      Compare covalent and ionic bonds.  Indicate which type of bond is formed by the common elements: C, H, N, O.  If covalent, calculate how many bonds each can form.





3.      Identify whether each of the following covalent bonds, C-O, C-H, N-H and O-H is polar or nonpolar, and explain how these different characteristics relate to the electronegativity of each atom involved in the bond.





4.      Describe the properties of water, which make it a polar solvent capable of dissolving ionic compounds and also of forming hydrogen bonds with itself and with certain covalent compounds.





5.      Define hydrophobic and hydrophilic.





6.      List the common functional groups found in the human body, their relative polarity and whether or not they are capable of hydrogen bonding.





7.      Define amphiphilic (amphipathic) and provide an example of an amphiphilic biological molecule.






The Cell


1.      List the major components of a eukaryotic cell.








2.      Define the major function of each of the parts listed above.








3.      Identify where specific biochemical processes occur in the cell.






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