Work Sheet 15

Purine Metabolism

1. Identify the key steps and describe the regulation of purine biosynthesis.


2. Describe the purpose of the salvage pathway and the role of HGPRT.


3. Identify the steps in purine degradation and the product of this process.


4. Discuss the causes of the defects associated with Gout and Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome.


Pyrimidine Metabolism

1. Identify the key steps and describe the regulation of pyrimidine biosynthesis.


2. Distinguish between the two forms of carbamoyl phosphate synthetase.


3. Identify the products of pyrimidine degradation .


4. Discuss the role of ribonucleotide reductase in the synthesis of deoxyribonucleotides.


5. Describe the role of thymidylate synthetase in nucleotide biosynthesis together with the function of folic acid.


6. Discuss the significance of chemotherapeutic agents (i.e. fluorouracil, methotrexate, deoxycoformycin, arabinoside-adenosine) in relation to nucleic acid synthesis.

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