Conversion Factors
Conversion Factors

The following table presents frequently used conversion factors and equivalencies for students of physics and chemistry. Reports of errors are cheerfully received. Click here to report an error or to request an addition. This table is in the public domain and may be copied without limit. The user is encouraged to download it for private use and public distribution in any form including that of making it available on other Web servers. Equivalencies can be easily formed from the data in this table. For example to convert 1 acre to hectares one multiplies 1 by 0.4047, so 1 acre=0.4047 hectares.

To change To Multiply
acres hectares .4047
acres square feet 43,560
acres square miles .001562
atmospheres cms. of mercury 76
atmospheres torr 760
Btu/hour horsepower.0003930
Btu kilowatt-hour .0002931
Btu/hour watts .2931
bushels cubic inches 2150.4
bushels (U.S.) hectoliters .3524
centimeters inches .3937
centimeters feet .03281
cubic feet cubic meters .0283
cups ounces (liquid) 8
cubic meters cubic feet 35.3145
cubic meters cubic yards 1.3079
cubic yards cubic meters .7646
degrees radians .01745
dynes grams .00102
fathoms feet 6.0
feet meters .3048
feet miles (nautical) .0001645
feet miles (statute) .0001894
feet/second miles/hour .6818
furlongs feet 660.0
furlongs miles .125
gallons (U.S.) liters 3.7853
grains grams .0648
grams grains 15.4324
grams ounces (avdp) .0353
grams pounds .002205
hectares acres 2.4710
hectoliters bushels (U.S.) 2.8378
horsepower watts 745.7
hours days .04167
inches millimeters 25.4000
inches centimeters 2.5400
kilograms pounds (avdp) 2.2046
kilograms pounds (troy) 2.679
kilometers miles .6214
knots nautical miles/hour 1.0
knots statute miles/hour 1.151
liters gallons (U.S.) .2642
liters pecks .1135
liters pints (dry) 1.8162
liters pints (liquid) 2.1134
liters quarts (dry) .9081
liters quarts (liquid) 1.0567
meters feet 3.2808
meters miles .0006214
meters yards 1.0936
metric tons tons (long) .9842
metric tons tons (short) 1.1023
miles kilometers 1.6093
miles feet 5280
miles (nautical) miles (statute) 1.1516
miles (statute) miles (nautical) .8684
miles/hour feet/minute 88
millimeters inches .0394
ounces (avdp) grams 28.3495
ounces (avdp)pounds .0625
ounces (liquid) pints (liquid) 0.0625
ounces (liquid) quarts (liquid) 0.03125
ounces (troy) ounces (avdp) 1.09714
pecks liters 8.8096
pints (dry) liters .5506
pints (liquid) liters .4732
pints (liquid) ounces (liquid) 16
pounds (troy) kilograms .3782
pounds (avdp) kilograms .4536
pounds ounces 16
quarts (dry) liters 1.1012
quarts (liquid) liters .9463
quarts (liquid) ounces (liquid) 32
radians degrees 57.30
rods meters 5.029
rods feet 16.5
square feet square meters .0929
square kilometers square miles .3861
square meters square feet 10.7639
square meters square yards 1.1960
square miles square kilometers 2.5900
square yards square meters .8361
tons (long) metric tons 1.016
tons (short) metric tons .9072
tons (long) pounds 2240
tons (short) pounds 2000
torratmospheres 0.001316
torr mm Hg 1
watts Btu/hour 3.4121
watts horsepower .001341
yards meters .9144
yards miles .0005682

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