Three things are needed in a cover letter and résumé:
1. It should be better than the rest so that the prospective employer wants to follow up and therefore calls you or writes you.
2 Your key points are easy to spot in your résumé.
3 It looks and feels professional, thus telling the reader, this is someone I should interview.
Your assignment:
Write a 1-page cover letter and a 1- to 2-page résumé.
The requirements for the cover letter and résumé package are:
1. Find a professional job listing—a hard copy listing or an online or electronic listing—for which you’re somewhat qualified.
2. Write and design a one- to two-page single-spaced résumé that shows your background and stresses any job-specific experience you may have as it relates to the job listing. Your résumé should not be longer than two pages and should be one page if possible.
3. Write a one-page, single-spaced one page cover letter, addressed to the contact person listed in the job description.
4. You must submit a hard copy of the job description.