Catching Up!
August 19, 2021
There are many announcements from the past year!
Congratulations to Jason Hawes, Violet Quann, and Eva Levingston who presented their poster "Does general self-efficacy buffer the effects of stress on sleep" at the annual conference for the Society of Behavioral Medicine in April of 2020. The conference was moved to a virtual format at the last minute.
Congratulations to Violet Quann and Eva Levingston who graduated with their bachelor's degrees in the spring of 2020. Violet is now a medical student at Western University and Eva is pursuing full-time work.
Congratulations to Jason Hawes on passing his master's thesis defense in April of 2021! His project was titled "What is the relationship between subjective social status, stress, and sleep." His chair was Dr. Erin Merz and her committee members were Dr. Keisha Paxton and Dr. Silvia Santos. Jason graduated with a Master of Arts in Psychology (Health Option). This fall he begins a PhD program at the University of California Riverside.
There are many announcements from the past year!
Congratulations to Jason Hawes, Violet Quann, and Eva Levingston who presented their poster "Does general self-efficacy buffer the effects of stress on sleep" at the annual conference for the Society of Behavioral Medicine in April of 2020. The conference was moved to a virtual format at the last minute.
Congratulations to Violet Quann and Eva Levingston who graduated with their bachelor's degrees in the spring of 2020. Violet is now a medical student at Western University and Eva is pursuing full-time work.
Congratulations to Jason Hawes on passing his master's thesis defense in April of 2021! His project was titled "What is the relationship between subjective social status, stress, and sleep." His chair was Dr. Erin Merz and her committee members were Dr. Keisha Paxton and Dr. Silvia Santos. Jason graduated with a Master of Arts in Psychology (Health Option). This fall he begins a PhD program at the University of California Riverside.
CSUDH Student Research Day
February 13, 2020
Congratulations to students Violet Quann, Eva Levingston, and Jason Hawes for a successful oral presentation on stress, general self-efficacy, and sleep at CSUDH's annual Student Research Day. Their presentation won second place in their paper session!

Congratulations to students Violet Quann, Eva Levingston, and Jason Hawes for a successful oral presentation on stress, general self-efficacy, and sleep at CSUDH's annual Student Research Day. Their presentation won second place in their paper session!

WPA 2019
May 9, 2019
Congratulations to Stephany Ortiz Chavez and Violet Quann on their poster "Understanding Annual Checkup Compliance Among Ethnically Diverse Young Adults" at the annual conference for the Western Psychological Association in Pasadena, CA!

Congratulations to Stephany Ortiz Chavez and Violet Quann on their poster "Understanding Annual Checkup Compliance Among Ethnically Diverse Young Adults" at the annual conference for the Western Psychological Association in Pasadena, CA!

Graduate School Acceptances
March 8, 2019
Congratulations to all the lab research assistants who were accepted to graduate school this year!
Haleigh Smith will be begin the Master's in Occupational Therapy program at the University of Southern California this June. Stephany Ortiz Chavez will begin the M.P.H. in General Epidemiology at the University of Michigan in the fall.
Congratulations to all the lab research assistants who were accepted to graduate school this year!
Haleigh Smith will be begin the Master's in Occupational Therapy program at the University of Southern California this June. Stephany Ortiz Chavez will begin the M.P.H. in General Epidemiology at the University of Michigan in the fall.
CSUDH Student Research Day
February 14, 2019
Congratulations to undergraduate students Violet Quann and Stephany Ortiz Chavez for a successful oral presentation at CSUDH's annual Student Research Day! Their presentation won second place in the Behavioral and Social Sciences section.

Congratulations to undergraduate students Violet Quann and Stephany Ortiz Chavez for a successful oral presentation at CSUDH's annual Student Research Day! Their presentation won second place in the Behavioral and Social Sciences section.

Western Psychological Association
April 29, 2018
Congratulations to undergraduate students Jacqueline Hernandez, Bridget Hidalgo, and Stephany Ortiz Chavez on their successful poster presentation at the 98th annual meeting of the Western Psychological Association (WPA) in Portland, OR. The students authored a study on ethnicity, family history of diabetes, and diabetes knowledge in a sample of young adults. Emily San Diego also co-authored the study.
Congratulations to undergraduate students Jacqueline Hernandez, Bridget Hidalgo, and Stephany Ortiz Chavez on their successful poster presentation at the 98th annual meeting of the Western Psychological Association (WPA) in Portland, OR. The students authored a study on ethnicity, family history of diabetes, and diabetes knowledge in a sample of young adults. Emily San Diego also co-authored the study.
Society of Behavioral Medicine
April 14, 2018
Congratulations to Emily San Diego for two successful poster presentations at the 39th annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM)
in New Orleans, LA. Emily first-authored a poster based on her
thesis and co-authored a poster of a psychometric study on a modified
version of the Diabetes Fatalism Scale.
Congratulations to Emily San Diego
March 22, 2018
Congratulations to Emily San Diego who has decided to attend the Social and Behavioral Sciences Ph.D. program in the School of Public Health at the University of Memphis! She plans to begin her doctoral work there in the fall.

Congratulations to Emily San Diego who has decided to attend the Social and Behavioral Sciences Ph.D. program in the School of Public Health at the University of Memphis! She plans to begin her doctoral work there in the fall.

Emily San Diego defends thesis
March 13, 2018
Congratulations to Emily San Diego on passing her master's thesis defense! Her project was titled "Type 2 Diabetes Knowledge, Fatalism, and Type 2 Diabetes-Related Health Behaviors in College Students." Her chair was Dr. Erin Merz and her committee members were Dr. Silvia Santos and Dr. Tara Victor. Emily will graduate this May with a Master of Arts in Psychology (Clinical Option).
Update: Emily's thesis won "Outstanding Graduate Thesis Award" for the Psychology Department for the 2017-2018 Academic Year and was recognized during the Psychology Celebration of Achievement Awards Ceremony (CASA) event on April 11, 2018.
Update: Emily's thesis won "Thesis of the Year" for California State University, Dominguez Hills for the 2017-2018 Academic Year and was recognized by the Division of Graduate Studies & Research for this on June 27, 2018. Information about Emily's achievement is available in the Spring 2018 Newsletter for Graduate Studies and Research.

Congratulations to Emily San Diego on passing her master's thesis defense! Her project was titled "Type 2 Diabetes Knowledge, Fatalism, and Type 2 Diabetes-Related Health Behaviors in College Students." Her chair was Dr. Erin Merz and her committee members were Dr. Silvia Santos and Dr. Tara Victor. Emily will graduate this May with a Master of Arts in Psychology (Clinical Option).
Update: Emily's thesis won "Outstanding Graduate Thesis Award" for the Psychology Department for the 2017-2018 Academic Year and was recognized during the Psychology Celebration of Achievement Awards Ceremony (CASA) event on April 11, 2018.
Update: Emily's thesis won "Thesis of the Year" for California State University, Dominguez Hills for the 2017-2018 Academic Year and was recognized by the Division of Graduate Studies & Research for this on June 27, 2018. Information about Emily's achievement is available in the Spring 2018 Newsletter for Graduate Studies and Research.

Graduate School Acceptances
March 1, 2018
Jacqueline Hernandez, an undergraduate student majoring in Psychology, was admitted to the Master of Public Health program (Community Health track) at California State University, Northridge. Bridget Hidalgo, an undergraduate student majoring in Psychology, was admitted to the Master of Arts program in Psychology at California State Universtiy, Fullerton. Both students will begin their graduate work in the fall.
Congratulations, Bridget & Jackie!
Jacqueline Hernandez, an undergraduate student majoring in Psychology, was admitted to the Master of Public Health program (Community Health track) at California State University, Northridge. Bridget Hidalgo, an undergraduate student majoring in Psychology, was admitted to the Master of Arts program in Psychology at California State Universtiy, Fullerton. Both students will begin their graduate work in the fall.
Congratulations, Bridget & Jackie!
CSUDH Student Research Day
February 15, 2018
Congratulations to undergraduate students Jacqueline Hernandez, Bridget Hidaldgo, and Stephany Ortiz Chavez for a successful oral presentation at CSUDH's annual Student Research Day! Graduate student Emily San Diego also co-authored the project.

Congratulations to undergraduate students Jacqueline Hernandez, Bridget Hidaldgo, and Stephany Ortiz Chavez for a successful oral presentation at CSUDH's annual Student Research Day! Graduate student Emily San Diego also co-authored the project.

Society of Behavioral Medicine
April 6, 2017
Congratulations to Emily San Diego and Karina Aguilar for a successful poster presentation at the 38th annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM) in San Diego, CA. Their poster presented data from a systematic review and meta-analysis on the relationship between social support and pain in patients with rheumatologic disease.

Congratulations to Emily San Diego and Karina Aguilar for a successful poster presentation at the 38th annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM) in San Diego, CA. Their poster presented data from a systematic review and meta-analysis on the relationship between social support and pain in patients with rheumatologic disease.
PEGS Travel Award
March 7, 2017
Congratulations to Karina Aguilar and Emily San Diego who received a travel scholarship through the PEGS (Promoting Excellence in Graduate Studies) program at CSUDH. The graduate students will use the award to attend the annual meeting for the Society of Behavioral Medicine in San Diego March 29 - April 1.
Congratulations, Karina and Emily!
Congratulations to Karina Aguilar and Emily San Diego who received a travel scholarship through the PEGS (Promoting Excellence in Graduate Studies) program at CSUDH. The graduate students will use the award to attend the annual meeting for the Society of Behavioral Medicine in San Diego March 29 - April 1.
Congratulations, Karina and Emily!
Students present at Student Research Day
February 23, 2017
Congratulations to Karina Aguilar, Jacqueline Hernandez, Emily San Diego, and Carlos Villalobos for successful presentations at CSUDH's Student Research Day. Emily, Carlos, and Jacqueline won second prize for their oral presentation on diabetes knowledge in a college student sample!

Congratulations to Karina Aguilar, Jacqueline Hernandez, Emily San Diego, and Carlos Villalobos for successful presentations at CSUDH's Student Research Day. Emily, Carlos, and Jacqueline won second prize for their oral presentation on diabetes knowledge in a college student sample!
Jacqueline Hernandez admitted to McNair Scholars Program
November 20, 2016
Jacqueline Hernandez, an undergraduate student majoring in Psychology, was admitted to the McNair Scholars Program. The program provides research and academic support to students from underrepresented backgrounds who have demonstrated significant academic potential and are interested in attending graduate school. She plans to present her research at Student Research Day and a professional conference during the 2017-2018 school year.
Congratulations, Jackie!
Jacqueline Hernandez, an undergraduate student majoring in Psychology, was admitted to the McNair Scholars Program. The program provides research and academic support to students from underrepresented backgrounds who have demonstrated significant academic potential and are interested in attending graduate school. She plans to present her research at Student Research Day and a professional conference during the 2017-2018 school year.
Congratulations, Jackie!
Emily San Diego receives GWIE Research Assistantship
October 28, 2016
Emily San Diego was accepted into the Graduate Writing Institute for Excellence (GWIE) Research Assistantship cohort for Spring 2017. The research assistantship provides a stipend and academic trainings throughout the semester. Her work for the assistantship program will focus on original research on diabetes beliefs in college students.
Congratulations, Emily!
Emily San Diego was accepted into the Graduate Writing Institute for Excellence (GWIE) Research Assistantship cohort for Spring 2017. The research assistantship provides a stipend and academic trainings throughout the semester. Her work for the assistantship program will focus on original research on diabetes beliefs in college students.
Congratulations, Emily!
Emily San Diego awarded Graduate Equity Fellowship
August 17, 2016
Graduate student Emily San Diego was awarded a Graduate Equity Fellowship from the CSUDH Office of Graduate Studies. The program is designed to increase the pool of CSUDH graduate students who plan to pursue doctoral work in the future. The fellowship will allow Emily to pursue two research projects during the 2016-2017 school year.
Congratulations, Emily!
Graduate student Emily San Diego was awarded a Graduate Equity Fellowship from the CSUDH Office of Graduate Studies. The program is designed to increase the pool of CSUDH graduate students who plan to pursue doctoral work in the future. The fellowship will allow Emily to pursue two research projects during the 2016-2017 school year.
Congratulations, Emily!
Congratulations, Graduates!
May 20, 2016
Congratulations to Nancy Carrada Zuņiga, Mariam Chkadua, Marlene Cortes, Angelica Rivera, and Haleigh Smith who graduated with their bachelor's degrees! Nancy and Haleigh were 2 of 5 graduating seniors nominated by the faculty as as "Outstanding Students of the Year" for the Psychology Department.
In the fall, Nancy (California State University, Fullerton), Mariam (California State University, Northridge), Marlene (California State University, Fullerton), and Angelica (California State University, Dominguez Hills) will begin master's degrees in psychology. Haleigh plans to pursue graduate work in occupational therapy.

Congratulations to Nancy Carrada Zuņiga, Mariam Chkadua, Marlene Cortes, Angelica Rivera, and Haleigh Smith who graduated with their bachelor's degrees! Nancy and Haleigh were 2 of 5 graduating seniors nominated by the faculty as as "Outstanding Students of the Year" for the Psychology Department.
In the fall, Nancy (California State University, Fullerton), Mariam (California State University, Northridge), Marlene (California State University, Fullerton), and Angelica (California State University, Dominguez Hills) will begin master's degrees in psychology. Haleigh plans to pursue graduate work in occupational therapy.

Western Psychological Association
April 28, 2016
Congratulations to Haleigh Smith & Marlene Cortes, and Nancy Carrada Zuņiga & Mariam Chkadua for successful posters at the annual meeting of the Western Psychological Association in Long Beach, CA. Nancy and Mariam's project "Mediators of acculturation and health-related quality of life in Latinas" won second prize in the Student Poster Competition sponsored by American Psychological Association Division 52!

Congratulations to Haleigh Smith & Marlene Cortes, and Nancy Carrada Zuņiga & Mariam Chkadua for successful posters at the annual meeting of the Western Psychological Association in Long Beach, CA. Nancy and Mariam's project "Mediators of acculturation and health-related quality of life in Latinas" won second prize in the Student Poster Competition sponsored by American Psychological Association Division 52!

Students present at Student Research Day
February 17, 2016
Congratulations to Mariam Chkadua, Marlene Cortes, Haleigh Smith, and Nancy Carrada Zuņiga for successful presentations at CSUDH's Student Research Day. Haleigh and Marlene received second prize in their session!
Congratulations to Mariam Chkadua, Marlene Cortes, Haleigh Smith, and Nancy Carrada Zuņiga for successful presentations at CSUDH's Student Research Day. Haleigh and Marlene received second prize in their session!
Haleigh Smith and Nancy Carrada Zuņiga awarded fellowships
June 25, 2015
Undergraduate students Haleigh Smith and Nancy Carrada Zuņiga were awarded Student Research Fellowships through the Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, & Creative Activities Program (URSCA). The fellowships are very competitive and will allow Haleigh and Nancy to pursue research projects in the 2015-2016 school year. The students plan to present their work at Student Research Day and a professional conference.
Congratulations, Haleigh and Nancy!
Undergraduate students Haleigh Smith and Nancy Carrada Zuņiga were awarded Student Research Fellowships through the Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, & Creative Activities Program (URSCA). The fellowships are very competitive and will allow Haleigh and Nancy to pursue research projects in the 2015-2016 school year. The students plan to present their work at Student Research Day and a professional conference.
Congratulations, Haleigh and Nancy!
Emily San Diego admitted to M.A. Program
May 1, 2015
Congratulations to Emily for being admitted into the Master of Arts Program in Psychology (Clinical Option) at California State University, Dominguez Hills! She will begin in the fall of 2015.
Congratulations to Emily for being admitted into the Master of Arts Program in Psychology (Clinical Option) at California State University, Dominguez Hills! She will begin in the fall of 2015.
Nancy Carrada Zuņiga presents at Student Research Day
March 24, 2015
Congratulations to Nancy for her successful poster presentation at CSUDH's Student Research Day!
Congratulations to Nancy for her successful poster presentation at CSUDH's Student Research Day!

New Web Page
March 1, 2015
The Behavioral Medicine Laboratory is getting up and running! News will be posted here once the lab has a chance to get started.
The Behavioral Medicine Laboratory is getting up and running! News will be posted here once the lab has a chance to get started.
The views and opinions expressed on unofficial pages of
California State University, Dominguez Hills faculty, staff or students are
strictly those of the page authors.
The content of these pages has not been reviewed or approved by California State University, Dominguez Hills.
The content of these pages has not been reviewed or approved by California State University, Dominguez Hills.